Apr 02

Washington Shellfish Week April 15-21
Posted by Taylor Shellfish
Taylor Shellfish will be participating with Pacific Coast Shellfish Grower's Association, other neighboring shellfish farmers, and their advocates from all over Western Washington to celebrate Washington Shellfish Week, April 15th-21st.
Taylor Shellfish Farms will be participating with several different activities throughout the week!
At our newly opened Bellevue restaurant location, Taylor will be offering shucking lessons and an extended happy hour on Thursday April 19th, from 6pm-8pm. You can find this event in our upstairs gallery. Come learn how to shuck!
At our Samish Bay Shellfish Market we will be hosting a farm tour on Friday April 20th at 2pm showcasing the history of the area, with an introduction to the tools we use growing and harvesting oysters. Come by for the education and stay for a tray of oysters and the beautiful view of Samish Bay.
On Friday April 20th, from 2pm-4pm we will be offering shellfish samples and cooking tips outside of the Shelton Retail Facility. If you're in the area and need to pick up a few pounds of clams for dinner, come learn a new recipe and have a few grilled oysters!
For more activities happening in your area during Shellfish Week please visit Sea Grant's calendar.
PCSGA has compiled some intriguing information:
"Washingtonians make hundreds of thousands of trips each year to harvest razor clams on the coast and clams and oysters throughout Puget Sound. Tribal communities have harvested shellfish for generations, feeding their communities with healthy protein from Puget Sound waters and coastal shores where many continue to make a living and practice a way of life. The shellfish industry is a foundation of Western Washington's rural economy and an important part of our state's heritage. Washington leads the nation in farmed shellfish production with approximately 10,500 metric tons of oysters, clams and mussels in 2013, which generated approximately $184 million in total economic contribution, of which almost $92 million was direct revenue from the industry; state commercial shellfisheries generate another $100 million in revenue. Washington shellfish growers also directly employed more than 1,900 employees and created more than 810 indirect and induced jobs across the state. Our shellfish are sought by consumers around the world and are a well-deserved source of pride for local growers. Shellfish are also a key part of our marine ecosystems, providing habitat and helping filter and cleanse water. For all of these reasons, shellfish are an extraordinary resource for Washington state to exclaim."